What's happening now on Turnalt Farm

May 2001


Towards the end of May, unfortunately some new cases of Foot and Mouth Disease in Yorkshire and the Borders of Scotland have led to the restrictions on animal movement being reimposed. The Mid-Argyll Agricultural Show, held annually in August has, like all others, been cancelled for 2001. The weather remained good in May with some very pleasant warm days to finish lambing and complete the sowing of Turnips and Arable Silage.


Iain and Hamish report a successful lambing, completed by the last week of May. The cross lambs have been marked and most of the Tups clipped. Due to the Foot and Mouth Disease, it is not yet clear how we will be able to sell the lambs as there is still a ban on the operation of Livestock Markets. However we are fortunate that there has been no incidence of the disease in this area.

May 01, A ewe with her twin lambs


The cattle are all now outside enjoying the grass and calving has finished. The hill cows are in the fields with the Limousin bulls and the heifers remain on the hill.

May 01, Some of the Cows and Calves in Sluggan


Alasdair has completed the sowing of crops and the Potatoes are growing well, having been sprayed for weeds. One of the Sluggan fields has been sprayed with weed killer prior to ploughing and reseeding with grass.

May 01, Alasdair working in the field

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© Iain MacNicol