What's happening now on Turnalt Farm

December 2000


Things have been busy in the sheep department over the last month with the tupping now well underway, all the tups are now out with the ewes, on the hills and in the lowground. The tups are checked daily by the shepherds, Iain and Hamish.

The ewe lambs born this year (hoggs) that have been retained for breeding on the farm have been separated from the rest of the flock and they are now being wintered on a farm further down the glen.


The calves from the herd that have been on the hill have now been separated from the cows and have been brought into the shed for feeding over the winter. The cows are remaining on the hill but they are now being fed silage daily.

18 of the older calves have now been sold and more will be sold soon. The photo below shows some of the cattle enjoying some silage in the shed.

The cattle at feeding time


Things have been somewhat quieter in the crop department. The turnip harvesting has been delayed because of the amount of rain that we have had recently but this job will continue when the weather improves.

The only other job on the crops side has been the sorting out of the potatoes stored in the shed and Alasdair has been busy at this job.

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© Iain MacNicol