What's happening now on Turnalt Farm

October 2000

The Sheep

All the sheep from the hills have now been gathered and the lambs that were not kept for breeding have been sorted out and sold. Prices generally for the lambs have still been up slightly on last years prices. The picture shows the sheep being sorted out in the fank where they are dosed, dipped and marked with keel (paint, to identify which hill they belong to) prior to going back to the hill.

On 5th September 2000, lambs from the lowground flock won first prize at the Oban market show/sale, these lambs were later sold for £30 each. The show winning lambs are pictured below with colouring applied to their fleeces prior to leaving the farm.

Alasdair, Hamish and Iain working with the sheep in the Fank Show winning lambs

The Cattle

There has not been much happening on the Cattle side over the summer but we have recently started the daily feeding of the cattle that are kept in the lowground, the calves from this herd will be sold in December.

One of the calves by the river

The Crops

Things have been relatively quiet on the crops side as well but the lime has been spread on some of the fields. This reduces soil acidity. The potatoes are ready and should be lifted during October and the turnips are still doing fine, both should produce a good crop, as should the carrots.

Lime being spread on the fields

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© Iain MacNicol